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Jeremy Bosch
June 27, 2023
1 min read

Clariti is excited to welcome the Town of Clayton, North Carolina, to its rapidly growing customer base. The town has selected Clariti Enterprise to digitize its permitting, inspections and code enforcement processes. 

The new system will be implemented by sCube, a trusted Clariti partner. 

Clayton is the fastest-growing municipality in Johnson County, North Carolina, the fastest-growing county in the state. Its population has doubled in size since 2000 and is home to approximately 30,000 residents. It’s about a 20-minute drive from Raleigh, the state capital, and has become the home of several large manufacturing companies, which has helped fuel the town’s growth - and put pressure on its services and systems. 

With so much growth, the town faced increasing pressure to deliver a more efficient permitting service, which led them to Clariti Enterprise. The new online system will enable them to move off their paper-based permitting system, described as cumbersome and complicated by town staff and the local development community, and provide a digital portal and back office workflows to limit the number of over-the-counter permit applications they receive. 

“We want a 100% paperless experience for people using our permitting, inspection and code enforcement services,” says Jonathan Jacobs, Assistant Engineering Director, “We want to save staff resources and move people from focusing on permit intake to plan reviews and issuance in order to improve our turnaround times and support our fast-growing community.”

The town selected Clariti after its evaluation of 5 vendors, determining that the Community Development Solution met all 42 of its requirements and was the best fit for its needs.  

“We’re focused on developing the most comprehensive catalogue of product capabilities in the Community Development Software industry,” says Clariti Co-CEO Cyrus Symoom. “We’re excited to work with Clayton, and help the town meet its aggressive targets for development and growth.”

Clariti Enterprise includes consoles for permitting, planning, inspections and code enforcement in addition to an admin console that enables end-users to make updates to workflows, fields and other data. The town will also implement Clariti’s managed integrations with Bluebeam and Esri to create a true enterprise-level platform.

Want to see how Clariti Enterprise, the do-it-all community development platform, can support your team? Get a personalized demo.